Nick Papagiorgio
Holding court
Re: Boston University 2012 Offseason
Same with "sin bin"
Would give a whole new meaning to game misconduct.
Same with "sin bin"
Would give a whole new meaning to game misconduct.
Send over the invite list and we'll get right on it. Let's hope they took a group photo and put all the names along the bottom.
Maybe there was a sign-in sheet for the penalty box, tracking who went in and for how long...or perhaps they displayed it on the scoreboard, just like in a real game. Would give a whole new meaning to game misconduct.
I think I read that no current players were there that certainly is possible the coaches were there, but not real who is it you plan to get statements from? What authority is conducting this process? Do they have subpoena authority, can they force players to come back and report what they might remember 3+ years ago, one night, while they were supposedly drunk?
The number of people who have lost their grip on reality in an effort to celebrate, investigate and castigate is really heartwarming...all this help, unfortunately just after the report is already published! Darn.
If they do a re-make of Mayberry RFD, there must be 20 people on here that could audition for the role of Barney Fife.
If they do a re-make of Mayberry RFD, there must be 20 people on here that could audition for the role of Barney Fife.
I'm sure Hokydad can clear all of this up. If there was naked puck shooting going on, he was surely there.
Interestingly (or not) Don Knotts ......, Jack Tripper's apartment manager on what has to be the worst situation comedy ever to be given an eight year run - Three's Company!
Seems like it's been pretty effective over the last couple of years, no?
Interestingly (or not) Don Knotts only appeared in but one episode of Mayberry RFD in 1968. Thereafter it was an eleven year drought before ole Don returned to television on a regular basis as Ralph Furley, Jack Tripper's apartment manager on what has to be the worst situation comedy ever to be given an eight year run - Three's Company!
Interestingly (or not) Don Knotts only appeared in but one episode of Mayberry RFD in 1968. Thereafter it was an eleven year drought before ole Don returned to television on a regular basis as Ralph Furley, Jack Tripper's apartment manager on what has to be the worst situation comedy ever to be given an eight year run - Three's Company!
Colby Cohen responds to the report. Says the naked skating and the penalty box sex never happened. Defends Parker's disciplinary style.
Sorry to depart from the topic of this thread, but how does everyone think the team will do this year? I personally expect to see a more cohesive team (even though we are bringing in 9 new players). I hope to see more team play and a little more variety in the plays we run. Last year it seemed like every play we ran was slapshot from the blue line and crash the net. I'd love to see our passing game and forecheck improve. With the player losses over the last few years I think we've finally stripped away the players who didn't truly want to be there and with all that's happened, I imagine the freshman will be introduced to a strict and focused environment. If the freshmen are kept 100% focused and the rest of the team continues to improve, I think they should at least be a bubble team for the tournament. All I really want is our Bean Pot trophy back. Megan really has his work cut out as captain. I hope the responsibility doesn't affect his on ice performance.
Here's a quote from the article: Cohen goes on to say there was a party at Agganis after they returned from Washington, DC, and that Parker handled it in-house. I can't imagine this goes over too well with the Task Force or Robert Brown.
...All I really want is our Bean Pot trophy back...
Cohen goes on to say there was a party at Agganis after they returned from Washington, DC, and that Parker handled it in-house. I can't imagine this goes over too well with the Task Force or Robert Brown.
I don't know.... I'm trying to think about how many coaches would report an unauthorized drinking party to the department vs getting the team together making them run suicides til everyone was puking then calling it good.
Nick........ Not even in the same world.
You are trying to compare this to
Michael McQueary, on administrative leave from his job, said he entered the football locker room and heard the "rhthymic slapping sounds of skin on skin" coming from a shower stall where, through a mirror, he glimpsed a naked Sandusky with the front of his body pressed against the rear of a child who McQueary estimated to be as young as 10.
McQueary said he stepped toward the shower and saw Sandusky in an "extremely sexual" position behind the boy. The former Penn State quarterback said he slammed a locker door in an attempt to break up the encounter. "I made the loud noise in an attempt to say, 'Someone's here! Break it up!' " he said.
On his way out of the facility, McQueary said, he saw that Sandusky and the boy had separated. He said no one said a word and Sandusky had a "blank" look on his face.
Asked why he left the locker room immediately, McQueary said: "I wasn't thinking 100% right. It was more than my brain could handle."
Earlier stories on Sandusky trial
STORY: First alleged victim testifies against Sandusky
STORY: Jury includes PSU senior, ex-teacher
The boy involved in the alleged shower incident has never been found.
If a BU ast coach observed that, ten to 1 someone would have been killed
I don't know.... I'm trying to think about how many coaches would report an unauthorized drinking party to the department vs getting the team together making them run suicides til everyone was puking then calling it good.
On its own, I would agree with this assessment. But unfortunately for Parker, that event (which the actual A.D. apparently had no knowledge of, and is alleged that Parker lied about during the probe), is now being discussed inside the larger context of the overall behavior of the team, including the sexual assaults. The appearance of a lack of institutional control is what Parker is fighting.