Re: Boston University 2012 Offseason
For the record, my response was to ditch BU season tickets, spend the money skiing, and attend a half-dozen games at a variety of venues -- BU, UML, NU, Beanpot. Much better. Don't kid yourself -- Conte, really, pretty much sucks. A pain to get into and out of, everyone watches the scoreboard instead of the game (not inherent to Conte only, of course), and of course, it's swarming with smug, self-important BC fans. I respect and admire everything about the BC program right now, except for the general student/alumni mindset that "We are BC, therefore we should be adored." Same kind of nonsense got BU where it is, and BC's time will come around (again).
For the record, my response was to ditch BU season tickets, spend the money skiing, and attend a half-dozen games at a variety of venues -- BU, UML, NU, Beanpot. Much better. Don't kid yourself -- Conte, really, pretty much sucks. A pain to get into and out of, everyone watches the scoreboard instead of the game (not inherent to Conte only, of course), and of course, it's swarming with smug, self-important BC fans. I respect and admire everything about the BC program right now, except for the general student/alumni mindset that "We are BC, therefore we should be adored." Same kind of nonsense got BU where it is, and BC's time will come around (again).