To add to the players staying at BC vs. players leaving BU...
I've gotten the impression from talking to both coaches that York approaches the situation with his mind on what's best for BC, while Parker approaches it with his mind on what's best for the player. I'm not saying York doesn't consider what's best for the player - I have all the respect in the world for York and I know he does think about the players, too. But I get the impression, especially after talking to him about Atkinson, that his approach is kind of, "Ultimately it's up to you, but I think you would benefit a lot from spending some more time here." Parker, on the other hand, won't hesitate to tell a guy to go if he thinks he's ready. That might not be what BU fans want to hear, but that's the way I've seen it. He's not going to try and persuade a guy to stay if he thinks he can make an impact with an NHL team. Wilson, Gilroy, Bonino, Shattenkirk and even Cohen are all evidence of this.
Getting back to Atkinson and even Jimmy Hayes, the NHL came calling for both of those guys this summer and York didn't tell them to go. I'm sure he didn't say anything like, "If you go, you're an idiot," but he definitely made a pitch for why they should stay at BC for another year. He told me as much in regards to Atkinson. He said he told Atkinson he didn't think it was the right time. I don't know about all of you, but there's no doubt in my mind that Atkinson could've helped the Blue Jackets this year. I have to think if Atkinson was playing at BU, Parker probably would've told him to go and wouldn't have made much of an effort to talk him into staying.
I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with either approach. You can't fault York for looking out for what's best for BC, and you can't fault Parker for doing what he thinks is best for that player. Obviously York's approach is better from a program perspective, but is it better for the players? It probably varies from one situation to the next. It's easy to say the NHL will always be there, but what if there's an injury or a really bad season and then it's not?