I agree with this, but calling out the Superfans is BS. The students have been fantastic since like '08 or '09.
How about we don't b!+¢# about the people who *don't* care (the ones sterlippo mentioned, the ones in the lower bowl, which honestly are mostly seats that BC probably holds and gives to corporate donors who don't give a $#!+, in addition to other rich season ticket holders who only use their seats for big games, which is exactly the same thing other schools do). It's a slap in the face to those of us who do.
Let's stop acting all hipster like we feel like we *should* be complaining about fan support. It's not perfect, no, and can always improve, but it is much better than in the past, especially in the student sections, which are ALWAYS full behind the nets for every game regardless of opponent. The relatively few problems we have are the same ones shared by every team in this conference. Enough.
And Melissa, this is discussed ad nauseum in every BC/BU thread ever started, ever, but BC counts tickets scanned, not tickets sold, when counting attendance.