I'm nervous that the popular vote will swing wildly to Biden, but the EC will eek out a Trump re-election.
For that to happen the polls would have to be so messed up to the point where polling firms would be so distrusted they'd be out of business.
There is not a single state Clinton won in 2016 that trump is expected to flip and there are 6 states with over 100 EC votes that Biden is ahead in all the polling aggregates now, and for the most part has been ahead in since the conventions. There are 2 other states that trump won in 2016 that Biden has a 50-50 shot in.
Texas and Georgia have moved so far towards Biden that trump has to spend time there, something that wasn't close to happening in 2016. If Georgia voters are turning blue, how can voters in states like PA or MI not be turning even bluer?
If the popular vote swings wildly to Biden's favor but somehow does not bring with it an EC win, where are those votes coming from? Are the only going to come from CA or NY or MASS? It would have taken just a little over 100,000 votes in 3 states to have completely changed history. If Biden wins the popular vote by 6 or 7 million votes, how in the world will those votes be arranged to still provide an EC win for trump?
I won't go so far as one poster sometimes does (and famously did last time around) and say there is no way it is possible for trump to win, but I just don't see it. Now mind you, I am speaking about an election where the vast majority of votes are actually counted, and we don't see millions intimidated out of even being able to vote. If people are more or less allowed to vote, and those votes are counted more or less fairly, I think Biden wins by more popular votes than anyone since the 1980s at least, and takes a haul of EC votes north of 350.