Not sure about locking. In the previous forum universe prior to the software "upgrade", threads would be locked: 1) after reaching 1000 posts; and/or 2) when the admin locked them. Could the originator lock them as well? Don't recall. In our current world, it seems like most of the functionality is now gone, so who knows.
Most teams that have a season thread move on to a new thread the next season. That isn't a revolutionary concept. Often, the old one WAS locked, because it had exceeded the 1,000 posts. If not, people moved on to the new thread, because, it was a new season.
Originators of a thread have always had the capability to delete a thread; no special perks required. Personally, not a fan of it, unless you were the only poster in the thread (or maybe if it had to do with UND hockey -- was that ever a thing?) I do understand the frustration with someone who insists on using an obsolete thread which confuses matters, but the deletion is a bit extreme. Two wrongs and all that.
Let's just go back to talking about flavors of ice cream.
ARM is 100% right and I don't have much to add except RE: this,
It absolutely was extreme and I fully acknowledge the pettiness of doing it. I stand by the fact that making a message board rival of mine mad was totally worth it. Old habits die hard.I do understand the frustration with someone who insists on using an obsolete thread which confuses matters, but the deletion is a bit extreme. Two wrongs and all that.
According to what pops up when you delete a thread, it was a "soft delete" and it exists somewhere on the forum servers and available to be restored. Whether a mod exists that can find it to restore it idk, this forum has become the Wild West over the last few years, but restoring it would vindicate my assertion that the posts were in that thread and not this one. I do not care whether there is one thread full of Reggie calling for Kinger's head or two. But we don't need two threads on the front page splitting up the season dialogue.