Re: Arizona Congressman Gabrielle Giffords Apparantly Survives Assassination Attempt
Let's try to keep these matter separate, as they should be. To bring Palin's "rhetoric" into the discussion of what touched off Loughner is profoundly unfair, unless you want to offer suggestions about rhetoric from the left (John Kerry once kidded with Bill Maher about going to the WH and shooting Bush). And there are uncountable other examples.
You want to sound balanced in the matter of Palin but you're not. You claim you believe what's been said about her is unfair then suggest she deserves it. To suggest her name popped into your head "immediately" tells us way more about your obsessions than anything else. If you were thinking Sarah Palin when you heard about this despicable act, then you've got a possibly terminal case of PDS. You're entitled not to like her, her politics, her language, her face or anything else. And you're even entitled to continue with this blood libel against her. But you shouldn't expect everyone who reads that vile language to let it go by unchallenged.
Quite simply, "Palin" should "class it up a bit" as well. Her rhetoric is not ok.
Although I think she is wrongly accused here, and any connection is ludicrous, I don't find it at all surprising that she is thought of immediately when something like this happens.
Let's try to keep these matter separate, as they should be. To bring Palin's "rhetoric" into the discussion of what touched off Loughner is profoundly unfair, unless you want to offer suggestions about rhetoric from the left (John Kerry once kidded with Bill Maher about going to the WH and shooting Bush). And there are uncountable other examples.
You want to sound balanced in the matter of Palin but you're not. You claim you believe what's been said about her is unfair then suggest she deserves it. To suggest her name popped into your head "immediately" tells us way more about your obsessions than anything else. If you were thinking Sarah Palin when you heard about this despicable act, then you've got a possibly terminal case of PDS. You're entitled not to like her, her politics, her language, her face or anything else. And you're even entitled to continue with this blood libel against her. But you shouldn't expect everyone who reads that vile language to let it go by unchallenged.