Slap Shot
I got nothing
I’ve now not worked for seven months, cannot believe how fast time goes.
I’ve passed four exams in that time to gain some skills and confidence in the new industry I want to work in. Joining some clubs for networking. And networking is going to be how I get a job.
it’s scary but I’m reading the 20 minute networking meeting to hone my story. I have some good connections and I need to be ready to exercise them.
im on unemployment now and while I understand why and how it works, it can be frustrating. They just want you applying to jobs all day and getting employed. I’ve got advanced degree and online apps get you nowhere. But I have to track how I’m spending 40 hours a week searching.
I hate this part but keep telling myself I will find something I like.
now if only I can sell my house. I’m doing hospice care for a dog, my best buddy. Trying to sell my house without anyone to help (other than realtor) - and unemployed and looking for work. Three stressful things all at once
Really sorry to hear about this. I cannot believe they expect anyone to job search for 40 hours a week. I mean 1) how do you prove it and 2) Do they expect you to apply for every open job out there?
Best of luck to you and I hope things turn for the better quickly.