I've been at my current firm 18 months now and the new job high/smell/aura whatever has definitely worn off. Worst part is this time I have to acknowledge it's entirely me. The firm has treated me great, I love my immediate coworkers, the pay is great, even the actual legal work is good.
It's the stress of general firm life (billable hours, being essentially on call all the time, drive some new clients, etc) that's getting me. I loved the fact that with few exceptions, i could clearly delineate work time and non-work time at my government job. If I was on vacation, I could literally be on vacation and not check work email until i was back on the clock. Now I feel obligated to at least check email and most likely do some actual work while traveling and semi regularly on nights and weekends. And I don't like that.
I'm not planning any immediate moves, but it is just disconcerting for me. 6 months ago I would've said 100% I'd want to stay on and go equity partner track. Now I'd say that's 50/50 at best. And given how dramatic a shift that is in a relatively short time frame, I'm really questioning myself.
Mrs. Uno private or govt? Crim defense (at one time, at least), so I’m thinking private?