When the FBI has to make a video like this...
The mental health is an excuse for them to involuntarily commit the “undesirables”. Ya know, gays, trans, unhoused, poor people.The mental health argument only applies to Nazis. If the killer has any skin tone then they should have complied.
I would give up my guns if it meant fewer people would die and less crime but it wouldn’t make a difference. I’d go along with other new regulations as well. There are no good solutions.
Our country has been a very violent place ever since it was founded 400 years ago. I hope it changes someday but am not holding my breath.
Well, that sums up the current situation. Deny the evidence that gun restrictions lowers crime and murders and that gun liberation increased murder.
No data can convince you of what you "feel" right?
I would give up my guns if it meant fewer people would die and less crime but it wouldn’t make a difference. I’d go along with other new regulations as well. There are no good solutions.
Our country has been a very violent place ever since it was founded 400 years ago. I hope it changes someday but am not holding my breath.
He still believes more crime and murder happens in blue states like CA despite all statistics to the contrary.
Ah yes the normal right wing reply "rules only apply if there is 100%" compliance. Cause rape laws mean no one ever is raped...
If gun laws save one life that is enough. Every death is on the head of weaklings like you Drew.
There is a good solution. Confiscation and elimination of the 2nd Amendment.
I don’t think it will ever happen and if it did I don’t think we would like the outcome. Whether you like it or not guns are a major check on both criminals and police. You take them away and I think ‘regular people’ would be in a lot worse position. Looking at guns in a vacuum is a mistake.
I don’t think it will ever happen and if it did I don’t think we would like the outcome. Whether you like it or not guns are a major check on both criminals and police. You take them away and I think ‘regular people’ would be in a lot worse position. Looking at guns in a vacuum is a mistake.
There is a good solution. Confiscation and elimination of the 2nd Amendment.
Great idea. Now, how do you plan to get 38/50 states to agree to repeal 2A?