Re: All Things DU XXV - Murray Up and Get The Chevy Out of The Repair Shop
Suze: I usually like reading your posts, but this one is completely ridiculous. What makes you think you can analyze a guy's medical condition as a fan from the peanut gallery? Surely you've been following sports long enough (or perhaps have played enough sports yourself) to know that one can finish a game feeling fine, only to learn later that an injury occurred in the game. Here's an example to bring it home for ya: I was out biking the other day and overdid it, feeling a twinge in my hamstring. But I was able to keep biking at full speed for another half hour, only to realize the next day that I really hurt something, cause my knee had swollen to twice its size.
Your post smacks of paranoia, and makes no absolutely no sense. I hereby nominate it for "strangest post of the year." Congratulations!!
DG: I think Suze's post would be a perfect target for a funny send up on your blog. Do your best!
The news that IS coming out are blatant lies.
This makes me irate. Try watching the video of the last 7 minutes of the game after the hit. Patrick played the rest of the game, regular shifts, right up to the horn!! If he were really injured, do you think your coach would have let him play, knowing the game was lost anyway?
So George lets him play, then says immediately after the game that his guy is hurt and if they had to play next weekend (a bye week) he would not be able to play!! George is lying. He is not hurt.
Suze: I usually like reading your posts, but this one is completely ridiculous. What makes you think you can analyze a guy's medical condition as a fan from the peanut gallery? Surely you've been following sports long enough (or perhaps have played enough sports yourself) to know that one can finish a game feeling fine, only to learn later that an injury occurred in the game. Here's an example to bring it home for ya: I was out biking the other day and overdid it, feeling a twinge in my hamstring. But I was able to keep biking at full speed for another half hour, only to realize the next day that I really hurt something, cause my knee had swollen to twice its size.
Your post smacks of paranoia, and makes no absolutely no sense. I hereby nominate it for "strangest post of the year." Congratulations!!
DG: I think Suze's post would be a perfect target for a funny send up on your blog. Do your best!
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