Re: Alaska Nanooks: 2016-17 Season Thread
Johnsen's recommendations are posted on the Strategic Pathways website. He is officially pushing either a 10 team waiver or a consortium model, either pending NCAA approval.
Here is my take on the whole thing and the “slide” related to athletics that President Johnson will present to the BOR today. With all due respect to Johnson, it says almost nothing. I looked at the other slides as well and they also provide almost no insight into what the backroom discussions are really about.
If the caps on state funding (50% of 2016 levels by 2020 and 0% by 2025) are really a mandate, then pull the plug.
I see little chance that the NCAA would waive the ten sport requirement, or allow a UAA/UAF consortium the way we envision to do it. This is the proposed option probably because it is politically acceptable, but not realistic.
The last step with regards to strategic pathways direction is “if waiver or consortium unsuccessful, consider modifying existing programs to reduce cost and/or elimination of 1 or both programs.” Duh!
I can’t imagine the BOR taking any specific action in November based on these recommendation, unless they muster the hutzpah to cut athletics at Fairbanks only. It sounds like they will just continue to whittle away at athletic budgets and let the programs die on the vine. UAF’s will die much quicker than UAAs because they operate on the edge now. After UAF exhaust life support and pulls the plug, south centric legislative support will rally and decide we need to save athletics, but only at UAA. After all, it would be a shame to let the Alaska Airlines Center go dark except for Bierber concerts and quiche parties.
Eventually, south centric legislators will get what they want. We may go through a painful route, but I do not believe we will have a university without athletics at all. Not sure if hockey survives.
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