marian hockey fan
New member
Re: Adrian Hockey 2009-10: A New Hope
I agree on the recruiting comments...Marian has their about 8 players coming out of Alberta from the Alberta Junior hockey league. Appartently there are more on the way for next year. Big difference between canadian jr players and those that have not played in Canada is the "panic factor"...after 3 or 4 yrs playing in from of 1000+ fans 65-85 times per yr you learn not to panic on the ice. Marian has a core of the team that comes from Canadian jr hockey and these kids don't panic. Look at last nites game...who was on the ice when panic set in??? not the top tow lines. BTW as of posting time Marian leads Adrian 2-1.
I agree on the recruiting comments...Marian has their about 8 players coming out of Alberta from the Alberta Junior hockey league. Appartently there are more on the way for next year. Big difference between canadian jr players and those that have not played in Canada is the "panic factor"...after 3 or 4 yrs playing in from of 1000+ fans 65-85 times per yr you learn not to panic on the ice. Marian has a core of the team that comes from Canadian jr hockey and these kids don't panic. Look at last nites game...who was on the ice when panic set in??? not the top tow lines. BTW as of posting time Marian leads Adrian 2-1.