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Re: Adrian Hockey 2009-10: A New Hope
Nevermind - found it on YouTube (just did a search for "Satterly fight")
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Now I might be biased (since I'm an MSOE fan), but there's no way you can call Soik a 3rd man in there IMO. A 3rd man in is when 2 guys are going at it in a 1-on-1 fight. In this case, Roman was just wailing on Smiddy, who wanted no part of that. That's not a fight - that's a mugging.
Roman threw two punches at Smitty with his glove on, one on the shoulderpad and one to the helmet, when Smitty turtled to protect himself, and he protected himself well. He wanted no part of Roman, and other than having his sweater pulled while in his shell, he was not hurt, nor was he in any danger of being hurt. It wasn't a fight.....and it wasn't a mugging. If Soik allows the officials to break things one gets hurt, and Roman goes to the box ...for 4 (and rightly so) or 5 minutes or a game. As it was, Soik extends the incident and Roman wound up only getting 2 minutes for roughing.
Soik jumped in (as he should), and Satterly jumped in (as HE should).
Satterly's punches (starting at the 0:34 mark) are absolutely cowardly IMO. The guy's down. Unless he's done something egregious (which wasn't the case), the fight's over once the guy is down. That's just pure bush league stuff.Step in to protect a teammate (which he did), get a punch or two in while squared off (which he did), and take the guy down (which he did)... and that should be that. Again - the guy's down already, so it's an act of cowardice IMO to keep throwing haymakers.
Emotions of the got the best of Soik .......he jumped in to the defense of his teamate. Emotions got the best of Satterly..... and he pounded Soik. I agree that Satterly should have stopped when it was obvious the fight was over, and I daresay that Satterly would agree. I can't say for sure, but I heard that Satterly and Soik spoke on Saturday, and an apology was extended.
Looks like MSOE's 15 tried jumping in, too... THAT would've been a 3rd man in, and as an MSOE fan, I have to thank Fogal for keeping him out of it.
Either way, should be interesting if these two teams play in the Harris Cup
I thought the Saturday game would be interesting...given the events on Friday. MSOE lost Saturday's game in the last 10 minutes of the 3rd Friday.
They played very well Friday....and had very little left in the tank for Saturday. Adrian used their speed and skill to decide the outcome.
MSOE will have to play a lot better than they did on Saturday if they hope to get another shot at Adrian this year.