Re: 2013, '14, '15 Frozen Four Sites
That's really not true. They did it in St. Louis and even though there was nothing going on in that city at all, no one knew what was going on. So no. I don't want it in Kansas City.
The hosts need to do their part too. I think Kansas City wanting to show they're capable of landing a NHL team would go out of their way. Then again, without any teams nearby, besides UNO, people won't care. What's the hook for the locals in cities without a team? Probably nothing...The only thing going on in KC during the beginning of April is Royals baseball, so really nothing is going on sportswise in KC. Go to place where you have a shot at being the only show in town, rather than playing 3rd, 4th, of 5th fiddle and be forgotten or ignored.
Fargo, North Dakota has a big national wrestling tournament every summer. I was working in the sports department. We covered maybe 2-3 matches and tried to find some kind of a local angle otherwise, what's the point of showing highlights and promoting people that have no affect on the locals.
The trade-off of being the only show in town(in a non-hockey town) is you're going to be in a small town like KC or Fargo.
Overall, I think we need to accept the fact that this is a regional sport, with regional interest, and directed at a small niche of people, which is really hockey in general.
I don't think hosting in non-tradional cities will expose the sport to new people. I think the first step in building college hockey is getting it on television in full arenas on a regular basis. Having regional games where all you see on TV are empty seats isn't going to hook in a casual fan.