I think you are kind of confusing climate change with the causes of climate change. I deal with the weather every day and have for many years. I can say unequivocally that storms are bigger now, both winter and summer, that overall we have more tornado's, more blizzards, more droughts than ever. There is just a ton more energy in the atmosphere and it's going somewhere. For instance thunderstorms over 40,000 ft used to be rare in the more northern latitudes, but now we regularly get storms over 50,000 ft in the Boston area.It takes a ton more energy to make a 50,000 ft storm vs a 40,000 ft one, and the air in the Northern US is much more stable, so ....
I don't know about the cause for sure, but the effect is the same if you ask me.
I think by ignoring science here we are sticking our heads in the sand and hoping it goes away.