Re: 2012 Presidential Election 5: Election Day Countdown
Your point is well taken, except the part in bold. When well-meaning people make the mistake of attributing "weather" to climate change, it costs the whole movement boatloads of credibility. The facts show that we are actually in the longest drought without a category 3-plus hurricane in recorded history: We are currently having LESS extreme weather events than at any time in our recorded history of such events. So to lump "extreme weather events" in with global warming, while tempting and very common in the media at the moment, does a disservice to the alarmists who want to be taken seriously.
(I think the reason it feels like we are having more hurricanes and etc. to so many people is simply because the reporting of such events is much more immediate and thorough than in past generations. It doesn't mean they didn't happen before)
Sure. Abolish the EPA. Have you seen how dirty it is over in China? Is that what you want? There are stories of us shipping our electronic garbage over there and all the waste ending up in their drinking water. The air was so dirty they had to shutdown certain plants during the Olympic games.
Not only that but most scientists agree that our climate change that is causing these catastrophic weather events is partially man-made.
But, hey, let's stop trying to be good stewards of the planet. The massive losses we've incurred from natural disasters and man-made (Japan, and the Gulf) haven't cost us anything.
Your point is well taken, except the part in bold. When well-meaning people make the mistake of attributing "weather" to climate change, it costs the whole movement boatloads of credibility. The facts show that we are actually in the longest drought without a category 3-plus hurricane in recorded history: We are currently having LESS extreme weather events than at any time in our recorded history of such events. So to lump "extreme weather events" in with global warming, while tempting and very common in the media at the moment, does a disservice to the alarmists who want to be taken seriously.
(I think the reason it feels like we are having more hurricanes and etc. to so many people is simply because the reporting of such events is much more immediate and thorough than in past generations. It doesn't mean they didn't happen before)