Wheeler-O’Brien-Simms and Curl-Hall-Eden look like solid trios that should be quite productive. Woz-Picard-LEdwards offers possibilities if LEdwards adopts a more aggressive presence around the net but likely will be somewhat pedestrian if she doesn’t.
The only way I could imagine anything from the Helgesen-Gorbatenko-Koslowski line would be for Gorbatenko to be the female Wayne Gretzky or an alchemist. Frankly, if I were her, I would have my request to enter the next portal ready to go.
Unless Gorbatenko has been found to be devoid of talent, as long as the decision is to have two Ds on a 4[SUP]th[/SUP] line with her, I am of the opinion that Gorbatenko-Potter-Murphy would offer the potential to contribute more offensively. Otherwise, simply have Gorbatenko serve to provide other Fs periodic breathers.