Re: WISCONSIN Hockey Vol. XXIV - Craziest Season Of All Time
I know I don't belong here, for a couple of reasons. First, you guys have your rubber chicken thing going, which most of us fans just don't relate to. Second, you are the Red Menace, and when I was in grade school they trained us to hide under our desks to be safe from the Red Menace. Some people have told me since then that those scary times were about someone else, but that's a bunch of kumbaya bullshat. It was you guys, and as far as I'm concerned the waterbottle fight got stopped just in time to save your sorry arses. But it happened, and we still have to deal with you.
But here's what makes me feel kinda warm inside. This nasty but tasty thing we Siouxers have going with you guys will only get better. We Nodaks have always seen ourselves as the little guy. That helped us hate you fancy-pants, bigshot, bomb-your-math-building, street-where-you-can't-even-drive, sail boating pansies. But now, see, it's not only that: it's our small school, salt-of-the-earth, hope-your-daughter-meets-a-boy-there conference against MegaSchool got-your-own-TV channel, Rose Bowl hoping, LOOK AT ME, empire!!! Plus, you've all got more than one Panera Bread.
Before, the Red Menace just stood in our way to the Big Mac. Now, you give us a reason to stand for something, and the hate will be working on two levels. We will be David to your Goliath in two ways--school and conference, and making Goliath cry for mommie twice a year will be even sweeter.
So, you see, if you guys can get your shat together, it will be even better.
But not before you take 3 from Jan.
I know I don't belong here, for a couple of reasons. First, you guys have your rubber chicken thing going, which most of us fans just don't relate to. Second, you are the Red Menace, and when I was in grade school they trained us to hide under our desks to be safe from the Red Menace. Some people have told me since then that those scary times were about someone else, but that's a bunch of kumbaya bullshat. It was you guys, and as far as I'm concerned the waterbottle fight got stopped just in time to save your sorry arses. But it happened, and we still have to deal with you.
But here's what makes me feel kinda warm inside. This nasty but tasty thing we Siouxers have going with you guys will only get better. We Nodaks have always seen ourselves as the little guy. That helped us hate you fancy-pants, bigshot, bomb-your-math-building, street-where-you-can't-even-drive, sail boating pansies. But now, see, it's not only that: it's our small school, salt-of-the-earth, hope-your-daughter-meets-a-boy-there conference against MegaSchool got-your-own-TV channel, Rose Bowl hoping, LOOK AT ME, empire!!! Plus, you've all got more than one Panera Bread.
Before, the Red Menace just stood in our way to the Big Mac. Now, you give us a reason to stand for something, and the hate will be working on two levels. We will be David to your Goliath in two ways--school and conference, and making Goliath cry for mommie twice a year will be even sweeter.
So, you see, if you guys can get your shat together, it will be even better.
But not before you take 3 from Jan.