I remember learning that in PoliSci and I didn't buy it. Part of the reason was because we are taught about the extreme people of color in history and they sort of become our example of what POC political beliefs are. Then I worked and lived in areas that were majority POC and I saw how wrong it was. White People have major blind spots and Democrats have it even worse.
When I was a sophomore at the U NoDak was coming to town. Of course protesters were out in full force whining about the name. I am not being hyperbolic to say that 80-90% of them were Suburban White Males. They were yelling and screaming, angry over the oppression of the Natives by UND. Of the few Natives that were actually there none of them were angry, none were threatening or whatever, they held a sign and caused no issues.
See, White People have a savior complex. We infantilize everyone who is different and have convinced ourselves that if we don't put all of our strength into bettering others, they have no shot to do it. Only we can do it, because we are better. I mean we don't say we are better, but that is why we are doing it. Its not enough to just be an ally we have to be fucking Superman lifting them up from the bondage of their less than status so we can feel good about ourselves.
POC have the same spectrum we do when it comes to politics and the center is always going to be where the majority flock. The difference is we have the ability to outwardly flaunt our "Far Left" or "Far Right" attitudes because there will be no repercussions. POC not so much.