Because if centrists don’t vote Democrat we are completely f’ed. I’m convinced centrists are widely misunderstood both by the posters on this board and the Democratic Party in general.
Yes. Living in Kentucky and rural Minnesota means I live in a bubble that cannot possibly understand the current iteration of the Republican Party. Centrists in other countries, like Germany, are fine. They have multiple parties, which means that voting for the center-right party doesn't equate voting for the far-right party, like it does here. I am aware that the inverse is true, but the Democratic Party is the centrist party in other countries. We as a party haven't moved that far left in recent decades. The GOP, on the other hand, has moved extremely far right in recent decades. It is widely considered a party that no longer protects, or even embraces, democracy. It's unfortunate that's the state of our politics, but it is what it is.
Centrists, on average, are more people who don't pay close attention to politics, and fewer people who stand to benefit from both parties being in power, like rich, generally white people, since Democrats protect plutocracy on many levels too, although that's changing some as well. You clearly benefit from being in the latter category, as you pay attention to politics. The ones that don't pay attention, and actually vote, they're no longer voting between two parties with democratic underpinnings. Many don't realize that, or they think both parties are to blame, and that's scary. Democrats have plenty of warts, plenty of fucked up decisions made and misguided priorities. But they believe in protecting civil rights, and expanding the right to vote. The GOP doesn't. Susan Collins may protect some, but not all. Sara Gideon would have protected all of the things you claim you hold dear, outside money from people who claim to protect all of the things you claim to hold dear notwithstanding.