Drew just wants a Democratic party which will back sensible, stable, popular Centrist ideas. You know, the kind normal people want.
Drew didn't want to rock the boat by abolishing prayer in public schools in 1940, or desegregating in 1950, or ending miscegenation laws in 1960, or supporting women's reproductive rights in 1970 or gay rights in 1980, or gay marriage in 1990. He's a reasonable man, you see.
Drew: if nobody pushed for those things "before their time" -- before the broad mass of the population approved of them -- then they would never happen. Populations do not become more tolerant over time magically. It only happens because of discomfort: we fight and scrape against the common herd's bigotry and fear, every step of the way.
The right side of history will always be unpopular. If it was popular, there would be no need to fight for change.