f. A coach or other non-playing person connected with a team shall not use foul or abusive language; obscene gestures; threatening language or gestures; or other unsportsmanlike conduct to an official or opposing player or otherwise try to influence or intimidate an official or opposing player either before or during a game.
PENALTY—Bench minor. For further violation, with the exception of medical personnel, a game misconduct shall be assessed. Medical personnel are subject to supplementary discipline penalties.
g. A player shall not use obscene, profane, threatening or abusive language or gestures or other unsportsmanlike conduct before or during a game or after a game.
PENALTY—Player to player: Minor. If this action persists, a game misconduct shall be assessed.
Player to official: Misconduct, game misconduct, or disqualification, at the discretion of the referee.
h. A player, coach or other non-playing person shall not direct ethnic or racial slurs to an official, opposing player or opposing team personnel. PENALTY—Game misconduct, with the exception of medical personnel. Medical personnel are subject to supplementary discipline penalties.