I think that you are contradicting the point that you previously made which I fully agreed with which was that a team, especially a team of over achievers, would rather know that they won because they were the best not because they were the luckiest.
And yes, I understand the rebuttals put forth by you and Eeyore, I just don't buy it in these two situations being discussed...or at the very least, it's a matter of degree that we are debating.
To believe you both we'd also have to believe that these women (Frozen Four competitors winning the grand prize by playing nothing but also rans and Olympic Gold Medal contenders) are devoid of conscience and something that would approximate a high set of values. You can't tell me that in either situation, especially the empty netter scenario, that the lucky team would be enthusiastically high fiving each other if they had seen all that happened. If they were intelligent enough, which I assume that they are, they would quickly do a mental role reversal and understand how they would feel if their opponents were given a free goal like that in those exact same circumstances. And if they had any class they would feel embarrassed by the situation. And if they did, nobody would have to tell them that this was not how they wanted it to happen, because it detracts from the victory...it cheapens it, no matter how much they may wish that they can rationalize it away. Their own consciences would telling them what they need to be thinking and would be guiding them truthfully.
So, if we disagree, that's fine. I just choose to believe that these women haven't yet had their value systems corrupted like most of the rest of the world. And if I'm wrong about that then I'd have to ask why should anyone care if they win anything?...if they can be bought like a bag of groceries where is the virtue in winning? What happened to respect for your competitors and the ideals that sport was meant to epitomize?
This is what's wrong with the world at large...winning at all cost, even if it's a cheap win....not enough self respect.