Re: Unrest in Egypt
Yes we know. Clock speeds have increased each and every year from 2 MHz in the 70s to 3.5 GHz today. But technology will stop now. Uh no. No doubt...automobile combustion engines have progressed surpising little in 100 years compared to the rates of other technologies.
You really belive this? There hasn't been much progress in the last 100 years?
The power increase from 100 years ago for the average car is staggering, even from 30 years ago- modern family sedans have more power than large trucks of the 70's and 80's.
That went along with a pretty sizeable decrease displacement. Just 30 years ago, it took 5.0l v8 to make 150hp (yes, it was choked mainly due to emissions), now it's common to see 2-2.5l I4's to get more power. 5.0l V8's are in the 400hp range.
Fleet fuel economy has gotten better, even with the upsizing of cars due to market trends. I wish I had the direct links to DOE papers, but as I just posted, that's lost on preception, larger population, and more miles driven per person.
And emissions.... wow... 40 years ago- pre rules, a well running car would emit 3-5 grams/mile of NOx and HC's, 20-30g/mi CO- from the running engine, another 5g HC lost due to evaporation, and another 5-10g/mi of pollutants from blowby. Now, cars can't dump blowby- it gets reburnt, evap emissions are <0.05 g per day on a hot day, and the new car fleet average of burnt emissions is 0.05 g/mi HC, and 0.060 g/mi NOx.
Seems like we've come a long way.
And that does not even point out where we are going. By 2024, states that use California's rules- evap emissions go down (still being worked out), and powertrain emissions for the fleet goes to 0.030 for NMOG + NOx (summed).
So we are going farther.
Not that it has much to do with the daily action in Lybia, were people want personal freedoms. Which impacts an oil source.