So a supertrain filled with possible Martyrs...I am sure Al-Qaida and Hamas will be on board to help!
Yeah but who are they going to kill in Isreal if the train doesn't stop inside the borders of Isreal? A couple of border guards perhaps? They can put the rails way out of the way of anything in the south of Isreal. At most 20 miles from Egypt to Jordan. A half hour tops for the train to cross Isreal. It could be very easy to set it all up to were its impossible for somebody to get off the train inside of Isreal without somebody from the IDF having them in a headlock inside of 3 minutes.
So a supertrain filled with possible Martyrs...I am sure Al-Qaida and Hamas will be on board to help!
This would make such a 70's movie.
That's what I was thinking. Throw in a few old name stars, and you'd have an instant classic!
"Murder on the Negev Express" by Againstha Christians
I was thinking Under Seige 3...This would make such a 70's movie.
"Murder on the Negev Express" by Againstha Christians
CAIRO — Egypt’s military rulers said on Wednesday that the country’s first presidential elections since the ouster of longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak will be held by November, giving the country’s emerging political groups up to eight months to organize.
The news came as the military’s announced a new 62-article interim constitution to replace the one suspended after the fall of Mubarak’s regime on Feb. 11 in a popular uprising that rocked the region. By giving a timetable for parliament and presidential elections, the army backed up its earlier commitment to swiftly transfer power to a civilian democratic authority.
The presidential elections will be a held a month or two after September’s parliamentary contests, the military said.
Many presidential hopefuls have already announced their plans to contest elections, including Nobel Prize laureate Mohamed ElBaradei, Arab League chief Amr Moussa, and longtime left-wing opposition politician Hamdeen Sabahi. Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the country’s most organized group, said it will not nominate a candidate in the presidential elections.
See? The absence of the Muslim Brotherhood proves uprising was Sharia-inspired.
Or something. Never mind -- Muslims! Run!!!!
I know the Moroccans and Algerians have a history of some good track athletes, but I'm not sure what their running prowess has to do with anything in this thread.
I was obviously referring to them running for election. Of course.
(After all, Obama proved a Muslim could win...)
FYP!!I was obviously referring to them running for election. Of course.
(After all, Obama proved a Kenyan could win...)