Not being sarcastic....but could you be more specific with this "So Many Serious Injuries" thing??...
You've eluded to Prestin Ryan, OK...fair enough, but you do know its been 7 years since he's played college hockey, right? I mean, if I picked the player who was the most controversial for every single team over the last decade and generalized their program based on such, then I guess everyone is guilty.
Again, not being sarcastic when I say I'd like to see Beattie's malicious hit on Cross...cuz Beattie is a good, improving forward offensively, but he doesn't exactly dish out the punishment. Just want to see what that looks like.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt on the Beattie thing...who else has Maine seriously injured? Just genuinely curious because I don't recall this. I mean, its just hard to take you seriously when you say stuff like "If I recall correctly..." and refer to a high profile player yet aren't even sure what team this high profiler played for....but you're positive Maine was the villain.
But Maine are just a bunch of divers who can't handle contact