On further reflection on the "relegation" option ... why not ship out the three (3) teams that don't "qualify" for anything but MBPBEGAM round hockey in HEA? UVM, UNH and UMass, in that order as things finished this season? Or set up an an-anything-but MBPB play-in game between #8 and #9 finishers, at the home of #8, and play a one-and-done HEA Tourney qualifier for the winner, and Ticket #3 to the AHA for the loser?
On the other end of the spectrum ... it's my understanding that the bottom two of the 10 AHA finishers DNQ for the tourney quarterfinals. Good. So award the three "promotion" slots to the two tourney Finalists (automatic promotion), and then have what would otherwise be one of those consolation-type format games - semifinal losers - face off right before their Tourney championship game for Promotion Slot #3.
Games (and results) should have consequences. And if it means UNH has to get a wake-up call with a year or two in AHA to start running their Men's Hockey program the way it should be run, then so be it.
BTW as predicted, this year, the UMaine Black Bears under Coach Ben Barr are already up to #6 in the league, and a .500 team overall W-L-T and on goals scored/goals allowed. This is the team that the genius coaches who make up the HEA Coaches' Preseason Poll picked to finish 11th - LAST - in Hockey East again this year. I told you on this thread that this wasn't happening. FWIW, you think Coach Carvel is feeling a little exposed, seeing his program plummeting back to their pre-Barr norm, not unlike Union?? Only Coach Leaman at Providence hasn't felt the sting of Barr's departure to the extent the other two have. But he hasn't won anything important recently either, has he?
2022-2023 Hockey East Men’s Preseason Poll - SB Nation College Hockey (sbncollegehockey.com)
Please understand though, I'm not ripping on Coach Carvel. He was smart enough to hire Barr, which puts him ahead of everyone else in the league. They made the most of it while he was on board, and probably cemented his job in Amherst for the long run. Something certain folks from Durham should have considered at some point along the way.
And finally, good luck to Coach Herrion and the Hoops 'Cats as they travel to Lowell tomorrow for the AE Tourney semis. Lowell apparently is a perfect 16-0 at home this season, so it will be an enormous challenge, but Herrion deserves a ton of credit for making UNH Basketball relevant, just as his colleague Coach Hubbard has done with Soccer in recent years.