Nick Papagiorgio
Holding court
Re: UNH At The Starting Gate....
Have you ever read any interviews with Jerry York? If you have, you'd understand. He straight up tells people that he is not bothered by getting players experience early on to help them learn if it means he is sacrificing to some extent.
If BC wins the regular season this year, it will be because they're talented enough to overcome that sacrifice anyway. End of story.
ps - when you find those York interviews, maybe forward them over to Umile so he can take some freakin notes.
If BC wins the regular season title its because they are the best ever, and if they don't win it, its because Jerry York had some grand Belichickian scheme to sacrifice and prepare for the post season.
Have you ever read any interviews with Jerry York? If you have, you'd understand. He straight up tells people that he is not bothered by getting players experience early on to help them learn if it means he is sacrificing to some extent.
If BC wins the regular season this year, it will be because they're talented enough to overcome that sacrifice anyway. End of story.
ps - when you find those York interviews, maybe forward them over to Umile so he can take some freakin notes.