The idea that UNH is short of well-heeled benefactors is friggin' laughable. The NH Seacoast region is arguably the most affluent area in Northern New England, and Portsmouth and its suburbs alone are awash in ample gobs of cash. I can't think of an area anywhere across New England that has grown so much, so quickly over the last generation. It bucks the trend of the rest of New England by a fair amount, and with the negative growth trends to the south of us, and quite the opposite in all of southern NH, I expect the influx of capital to communities less than 30 minutes from UNH Durham will continue unabated. A few examples we've mentioned before includes
TDL (Snives invoked his name earlier) who is already IN and looking at all kinds of development options in the area, including the McIntyre project in Portsmouth.
Joe Faro is printing money with his Tuscan Village megaplex in Salem, and he's a former UNH guy.
Sal Lupoli - another
paisan food entrepreneur that has been rebuilding Lawrence just south of us - is actively pursuing his own 9-figure megaproject at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom project that's working its way through the local review boards. That's only three (3) guys, all of whom are at an age where legacy matters.
If someone in a high position at UNH really wanted to resurrect UNH Hockey ... drawing up a strategy and a list of key (Key? lol) potential donors to wine & dine would not seem to be so difficult. It is now, however, because the HC has no apparent ambition, much less any vision of the great potential that is here to be mined. A HC, mind you, who was a player here a generation ago, and saw the program at its apex at a time when the local economy was a fraction then of what it is now. It makes you wonder just how observant MS7 was back then, and if the only lesson he took out of his playing career was, "if only I can mimic Coach Umile's style, this all looks like an exceptionally easy gig??"
If you get the right guy ... UNH past or otherwise, but someone who wants to be a college head coach as a career destination (which makes a UNH alum theoretically so potentially attractive in the position), and someone who is not gonna be afraid to work 12 months a year, and 80+ hours a week in-season, PLUS is an outgoing personality who can be genuine in selling his program (and himself) to the potential donors, we can still do amazing things with hockey in Durham. Bring back Friends, eff the so-called NCAA related issues. Do frequent pressers, cultivate relations across all forms of media - traditional radio/TV, podcasts, etc. - send your players out into the community, let local kids know they can regularly see a very good hockey product in Duirham for a fraction of the cost of a trek to Boston to see the (faltering) B's.
It's crazy that at a time when the local Southeast NH economy has never been better, UNH Hockey has never been so irrelevant. And if UNH is worried about declining student applications, your community outreach by the hockey program can't hurt to connect future students to the school. Both of my kids grew up at a time when UNH players would visit their school annually (if not more). Both went to UNH, and it wasn't Mom or Dad pushing them to go there, either. Think globally, but act locally. And mean it, be sincere. And just win, baby!