Ranger, Gopher, mean,cruel Dog fan
Re: UMD - Bulldogs -'11-'12 Season Thread
Ya sure trout - it always different with the Gophers.
Ya sure trout - it always different with the Gophers.
He needs to sit out Saturday's game, too, and then he and his AD can take the off-season to "reflect" on his choice of careers.
At a time when the hockey world--both men's and women's--is acutely aware of and concerned about injuries like concussions and injuries from being checked from behind, to have a coach tell his players outright to go out and try to injure an opposing player is mind-boggling. But then there was the language he used after the game toward Coach Miller and telling her that he hoped Irwin was injured. And saying in the interview that he was proud of his players for taking out UMD's top two scorers. That's more than just a lapse of judgment or running off at the mouth in the heat of the moment. It displays a lack of character, a lack of class, a lack of discipline and makes him out to be a goon and a thug. I wonder, too, how it makes his players feel and what they think of him.
Lauren Smith isn't innocent, either. To intentionally give one player a shot to the head and then on the same play go after another player and blatantly nail her from behind and into the net shows a lack of discipline on her part, too. I don't care if she uses the old "I was just doing what I was told to do" excuse. That doesn't cut it.
Frankly, I doubt the league will take any action, but I wish they would. Player safety is important, something Miller tried to bring up before the Christmas break in a not-very-diplomatic way with officials after a game and it cost her a one-game suspension. But the point shouldn't be missed. Either the league is serious about player safety or it isn't. And when a head coach tells his players to intentionally hurt opposing players, regardless of which coach or which team or which players, people are going to look at the league and its reaction to see how serious they are.
(Caveat: Yes, I'm a homer.)
Binny- Coach Means did not actually receive any punishment if I understand correctly. There's been a little bit of activity this morning that suggested that the reason we didn't see any press release early in the week on this manner is because the WCHA was not going to do anything about it. It wasn't until John Gilbert showed his article to certain powers-that-be at which time someone suggested to Means that he step up to avoid more problems.
I personally as well as some others that i know of have sent letters to every coach and AD in the league as well as some WCHA and NCAA dignitaries. It doesnt matter with what team your fan loyalties lie this is an issue that needs to be dealt with now before it happens again and some innocent athlete gets seriously hurt. There is no place for that in the sport. What message are we sending to everyone especially children and young people if the WCHA and the NCAA does not deal with this.
Jamie Kenyon scored twice Friday night (finally got to those photos this afternoon/evening).. I can only imagine her season if she hadn't missed 14 games this season.. most if not all of them after crashing into the net ribs first early in the season. She's made a noticeable difference since returning for the Feb 4th Ohio State regular season game, and really picked up the slack of Cournoyer and Wilson missing the Saturday Mankato game with minor injuries. Hope to get to Saturday pictures up during the day Wednesday, still catching up after all the hockey
Arlan: The one other bit of news out of Madison last week was Minnesota State coach Eric Means’ decision to not coach Friday night’s game. That stemmed out of an incident in Duluth on February 17, where he allegedly took exception to UMD calling a timeout in the final minute of a game the Bulldogs led 4-1 and encouraged his players to retaliate against UMD players when they came out for a power play. Mavericks junior Lauren Smith apparently took him at his word, and went after Haley Irwin and Audrey Cournoyer, receiving two major penalties, a game misconduct, and a disqualification for her actions. The whole thing to me seems almost like road rage, where an inconsiderate act by one party escalates to a dangerous response by another. If you want revenge against an opponent, take it on the scoreboard, not by setting penalty records. What did you think about that incident?
Candace: Putting on the foil coach. Honestly, stuff like that makes me wonder. I generally follow college hockey much more than pro hockey, in part because I hate some of the thuggery that percolates through the pro game. I keep hoping that the NHL will take steps to ban fighting, but if you go to a game and see something like that break out, the whole crowd roars, and you depressingly realize it’s unlikely it will ever happen. For a coach to encourage retaliation like that, well, I just don’t think there is any excuse. I still feel that Marc Crawford should have been permanently banned from the NHL, along with Todd Bertuzzi, for the incident involving Steve Moore. If Means did in fact encourage his players to go after the opposition, I think stronger action might need to be taken. It’s one thing for players to lose their cool in the heat of battle; it’s something entirely different when it’s premeditated and encouraged by the coach. What’s your take?
Arlan: If events are as they are reported, I definitely think that at a minimum, Means needs to sit down with his administration and decide whether the women’s game is for him. It would be one thing if he’d just come over from the men’s side and didn’t understand the culture here, but this is his third season. He knows what type of behavior to expect from the other bench in some rinks, so he needs to find a more constructive way to channel frustrations. The beauty of the WCHA is you get another shot at your opponent the next day. If you want to hurt them, then inspire your players to put the puck in their net and keep it out of your own. Don’t take it out on some kid who is only on the ice because her coach sent her over the boards. And don’t throw your own players under the bus by putting them in a no-win situation. All of these players are in college to learn, and there are more important lessons than winning and losing. At the end of the day, you have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and be okay with what you see. Whatever happens at Minnesota State, the situation has a few months to play out.
Coach Martin is given a one game suspension for trying to protect her players and Means is given a pass for trying to hurt UMD players. Seems backwards to me. If I was a parent I'd be more than concerned.