Hi all,
I just wanted to drop a note to those season ticket holders who I thought could help spread the word about tomorrow’s pre-game light show. We are testing out a new app called LightsUp which syncs your smartphone up to the music in the arena to create a cool light show.
Rowdy gave it a try yesterday.
I think it will be very cool, but we obviously want to make sure we’ve got as many people as possible participating and it will take place pre-game in conjunction with our intro videos. We are approaching a full house tomorrow and I suspect the lobby will be busy. We will have a “street team” ready to spread the word as people enter as well. Any help you can provide in spreading the word, passing around the video link, encouraging folks to arrive early, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, as always, for your support and thanks for your help!
Don’t forget to wear some pink…..should be a great night.