Deutsche Gopher Fan
Registered User
Oh I’m just sensitive because i was in my state spelling bee five years in a rowI can and do, but if after 25 years you can't tell my sarcasm without a /s I can't help you.
I am curious what languages you speak. I am deeply envious and impressed. Multilingualism is a superpower I wish I possessed. Were you raised multilingual? Do I blame my parents or am I just lazy and stupid?
I speak 3 Germanic and one romance. Spanish started in elementary school and goes through high school, so a good amount of retention even now.
German came later, but lived and went to university there for a year, so shock immersion style helped. When I think of what foreign language comes most naturally or which one I often “default” to in my head, it’s German. I have to do less translation in my head and more flowing speech.
Then comes Swedish. I learned that more recently, I have family who are Swedish citizens that speak it, and with my knowledge of German, decided to learn. What I didn’t realize was that while my knowledge of German meant I already knew what a quarter of the words meant in Swedish- but the pronunciation is wildly different than German, which gets me corrected quite a bit .
Spanish is beautiful and easy to learn and say
German is not beautiful and is much more difficult with the cases and three genders
Swedish is easier than German from a tense perspective, but has more sounds than German that native North Americans can’t actually make. German has a few like that (umlauts) ss, st sounds . Swedish has the ä å ö sounds
German with three genders and Swedish being arbitrary of en or ett articles mean you just have to memorize the gender, unlike Spanish which is like child’s play
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