I've only seen the two free episodes thus far, but this would be my first note; and my second, third, and fourth, to be honest. They're trying to give him a Niles-like character, but man does it miss the mark. Niles worked so well because he gave you a slightly more hoity-toity version of Fraiser to compare against, and play off of, but then there was still a dignity to him; and then of course you had Martin on the other end of the scale, so you got the whole spectrum. Nile's son doesn't have any depth or dignity thus far, maybe he will later on, but they sure don't seem like they put in the effort there or have an actor who can do so. And if I have one overall criticism (and let me re-iterate I only saw the first two episodes), it's that they need a Niles-like character for him to play off of in that manner; I mean, Fraiser will always be an a-hole, but having that type of character to contrast against somehow made him more bearable, and no one in the current show does that; maybe they intended for his co-workers to do that, but from what I've seen they're more grounded than he is.