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Re: tOfficial 2012 Outdoor Great Lakes Invitational Thread
Tickets are now on sale. Tiered sales, and best of my ability it goes as:
Outfield/Front half of lower bowl: 18
Second half of lower bowl: 28
Upperdeck: 38
Now, I understand that the lowerbowl will not have the best sightlines, but at the same time it's going to be better than the upperdeck, at least in my opinion. If I were doing tickets it would be:
Outfield: 8
1st half Lower Bowl: 28
2nd half Lower Bowl: 38
Upperdeck: 18
But that's just me. Though this may be a way for them to sell tickets around the ice to make it look full too. If I end up pulling the trigger I'll probably try to go with the 1st half lower bowl.
Tickets are now on sale. Tiered sales, and best of my ability it goes as:
Outfield/Front half of lower bowl: 18
Second half of lower bowl: 28
Upperdeck: 38
Now, I understand that the lowerbowl will not have the best sightlines, but at the same time it's going to be better than the upperdeck, at least in my opinion. If I were doing tickets it would be:
Outfield: 8
1st half Lower Bowl: 28
2nd half Lower Bowl: 38
Upperdeck: 18
But that's just me. Though this may be a way for them to sell tickets around the ice to make it look full too. If I end up pulling the trigger I'll probably try to go with the 1st half lower bowl.