Bigus Paulus
Registered User
Re: TIGER WOODS hurt in car accident.
I can't believe Pauly Shore is even ranked.
I can't believe Pauly Shore is even ranked.

Veronica Siwik-Daniels, one of Woods' alleged mistresses and a former pornographic performer, watched the event with her attorney in a Los Angeles radio studio. She said she wants an apology for the unwanted attention the scandal has brought her.
"I really feel I deserve to look at him in person face to face in the eyes because I did not deserve this," she said.
Towards the end of the article:
Not buying it. Anyone who even thinks about getting it on with a married celebrity should be aware that this might happen. Plus, and I'm aware that I'm probably guilty of judging her here, are we honestly going to believe that she doesn't like the attention?
Seriously, a pronstar doesn't want attention for having sex with a very big name celebrity. I call BS.
Towards the end of the article:
Not buying it. Anyone who even thinks about getting it on with a married celebrity should be aware that this might happen. Plus, and I'm aware that I'm probably guilty of judging her here, are we honestly going to believe that she doesn't like the attention?
Plus, and I'm aware that I'm probably guilty of judging her here, are we honestly going to believe that she doesn't like the attention?
Honestly, no, I don't think she likes this particular brand of attention. Even if she's the worst attention whore in the world (model, check, PGA pegboard, check...), she's got a marriage and kids. If what she wanted was attention, she'd simply ride the divorce / tell-all book / talk show wave.
(The "Elin never hit me" whine did smack of "our lawyers have agreed in order to avoid a 50/50 split, I will say the following things," sheer shyster coercion, however.)
He was talking about the porn star, not Elin.
He (Kepler) was making two separate points![]()
Oh.He was talking about the porn star, not Elin.
Are people not reading quotes today?
EODS was quoting the porn star about not wanting attention and how he didnt buy it...Kepler seemed to think he (EODS) was talking about Elin wanting the attention. I said EODS was talking about the porn star, not Elin.
Never mind. -- Roseanne Roseannadanna*
(I would assume the porn star is a shameless self-promoter who wants the attention.)
* or Emily Litella. I get those mixed up.
Watching ESPN Sportscenter this morning (I know my own **** fault) and I can't believe how much they are falling all over themselves about Tiger speaking. One of the commentators went so far as to say that this would be one of those moments that people would always remember where they were when he spoke ...
Never mind. -- Roseanne Roseannadanna*
(I would assume the porn star is a shameless self-promoter who wants the attention.)
* or Emily Litella. I get those mixed up.