Re: The University of Vermont Official 2010-2011 Season Thread : Part 1
Very disappointing. I always liked Wahs and thought he was one of the best players on all of the teams over the last 3 years. Particularly because he wasn't flashy, he didn't standout, even on the ice you wouldn't notice him until he was shooting the puck in the net. These situations are always tough to get a read on though without knowing what is happening behind the scenes and going on with individual players.
I would certainly wish Wahs the best and good luck with his future.
As for Sneddon, the blog seems a bit uncharacteristic for Sneddon who is most of the time so calm and reserved. He is clearly upset with these behind the scenes issues that arise. While I applaud his stance and high expectations for all the teams, I am starting to wonder if they aren't realistic. I am all for high standards, team first, work hard, and being responsible for you actions, but we really are seeing an exodus of players and it aint to the NHL. Franklyn left for more playing time, Atkinson for reasons unknown at least to me, although I see he is playing hockey still. Milo and Pacan were clearly issues on and off the ice and those I can understand and get behind, it's not easy to dismiss top scorers, but its the quitting that's hard to swallow. And what's more, I think that it in part reflects the leadership in the locker room. Players are accountable to the team, and are held accountable by their team mates. When the coach has to ride guys to hold them accountable that's a sign that leadership is lacking from the Captains.
Not sure who, but someone needs to step up and be a Captain, not just leading by example, but leading in every facet. Sifers comes to mind....
Tough loss, we'll see if the Cats respond as they did when Milo left the team...