Rebuilding takes time ...
Seriously, Satyking? They're one point out of fourth too and three points out of third. There's absolutely no reason for that sort of negativity this early in the season. One bad game (after several good ones) does not doom them for the rest of the season.
Yes it was one very bad game but if you look at our schedule for the next few games and the schedule for the others the odd makers would jump all over my statement.....I am just calling what I see not what I wish......its the first year of the rebuild and the foundation is just curing, they will get better but will also get worse I feel they will get worse first
So I see where Merrimack is the number one team in the country. That is a rebuilding job. Good for them. Didn't they get a new coach around the time Pooley left?
Happy thanksgiving!
Headed to the PC Miami game tomorrow afternoon. I have heard some good things about the Friars and I'm looking forward to taking a look.
that's more of a BUILDING job, no 're' about it. Kudos to them, and to you guys so far this year!So I see where Merrimack is the number one team in the country. That is a rebuilding job. Good for them. Didn't they get a new coach around the time Pooley left?
Well that was a rough one.
Sure seems like it was. I noticed they pulled Beaudry again, this has me worried as he has been the rock on this unstable team the last few years. If we lose him we lose the season.