I've tried to stay out of this endless stream of bickering about the formation of the NCHC, in part because I'm not particularily happy that it happened, and in part because most of the arguing/trolling that has occurred is pointless.
But I've always wondered why fans feel so embittered over their claim we've never heard the "real" reason or explanation for anything that has happened with respect to this move.
Isn't it pretty obvious? The schools who jumped ship thought it was in their best interests to do so. People can sit and argue all they want that it wasn't, but who cares. Even if you thought you could refute that belief (you can't), stop beating a dead horse. The decision has been made and it's time for everyone to move on.
Some Tech fans on this Board have been the most "pointed" in their vitriol directed at the NCHC schools, and their fans, particularily UND and DU. I'm sorry Tech fans feel jilted, and that they will no longer be a part of the same league that my alma mater joined.
On the other hand, I'm old enough to remember that when I attended UND, Tech was one of the "haves" of the WCHA, and college hockey. They regularily competed for the WCHA and national titles. And then Tech decided to take their beloved Cup and search for greener pastures. They didn't do so because of any transgression committed by the WCHA schools left behind, or for any good reason anyone could identify, other than the fact that the administration at Tech thought it would benefit Tech (and not college hockey in general, or any other school) to make that move. So there is that.