Not considering Rholik just bc he is an alum is not the rt way to go either. Its great that he is, but his body of work points to serious consideration. He is a great coach that develops talent and runs a super solid system at a school that doesnt cares little about the hockey prgm. Despjte all those challenges, he has succeeded and put teams in the tourney, one F4 under his belt and playing for another.
No one can offer what Wisconsin can in terms of the check book and resources. There are almost no major D1 jobs open this yr outside of WI. They can go have discussions with whoever they want, regardless of their "happiness" where they are at.
I agree with your Rohlik comment, he has earned the right to be in the conversation. I said I didn't think he is gonna leave his current situation. He is currently making $500k and is under contract though 25-26 season, from what I can find. Tony G was making $600k I believe. If he could get out of his contract I'd say it's gonna take $750k to get him.