Master of Science
It is one of the most interesting aspects of the rightwing bubble that they think the rest of the country is looking at them as a model.
The rest of the country looks at the red states as a freak show. Those rural inbred populations in NY and CA who are jonesing to move to MS and KS? By all means, please move to them. Let's gather all the rubes under one leaky, freedummy roof. It will make the inevitable and long overdue mitosis that much easier.
Above: give the purples to red and the stripes to blue. All problems solved. NC and WI might want to think about turning blue but if not, then not.
I still say the blues need to do a takeover of Utah, Idaho, and at least the Western parts of Wyoming and Montana. The rubes don't deserve it. It wouldn't even have to be hostile necessarily. They are so uneducated that it shouldn't be a stretch to trick them into moving to Kansas or Mississippi.