Fear. What triggered that fear we will likely never know. Might be because she fears Black People, might be fear of losing her privilege, might be fear because she fears any confrontation, might be fear because she is just ignorant all the way around and the world scares her. Whatever it is though she is not fit to be carrying a fire arm.
Stuff like this happening all over the place. (not necessarily with guns mind you) Videos of White Women being confronted for acting up against Black people and then as soon as they are confronted they fly off the handle to an extreme level. They scream and cry, act like they are being assaulted and full on have panic attacks. (especially when the camera is taping) I dont know if they think people will sympathize with them or if they are coming to grips with reality but it is a very strange phenomenon.
Yeah, I understand that. But just looking at the explanation of the incident posted by Fade, my reaction is w t f?
White woman bumps into black girl at restaurant. Ok, why do that? You can't avoid running into people as you are walking?
Girl demands apology? Have you ever done that? I haven't. Usually I just mutter something like "idiot" under my breath as I keep walking. I can't think of a single incident in my entire life where I've demanded an apology from someone. If I have to demand it, is it really an apology?
So then what, the white woman refuses to apologize. Why? Is it that hard to apologize to someone for bumping into them, even if you don't mean the apology? Jeebus.
Girls mother calls white woman a racist? For bumping into her daughter, or something that was said later? Calling someone a racist in a public location is certainly going to de-escalate things.
Escalates into a confrontation between a human being and a car. That's great. If someone is mad at you and is trying to leave, just get in front of their car? If someone is mad at you and jumps in front of your car, just accelerate anyway?
So, now is the time to pull the gun. And then stand there and scream at someone who has a gun pointed in your face.
I'm not equating the conduct between the two, because there is never a reason to try to run someone over or to point a gun in someone's face. But I haven't read anything that suggests any person involved in this situation wanted to do anything but fight.