Waiting for the Snow to fly...
Bigots are almost impossible to save but it would be nice if they at least kept the bigotry to themselves. Once they get into their homes they can rage at their bathroom mirrors or something. It is wonderful that these idiots are losing their jobs as soon as the news comes to light. I suppose there is an advantage to fewer than 10% of private sector employees being in unions as these idiots can be summarily fired for any transgression the employer believes was a fireable offense.
This is going to be a transitional time for many of these people. 10 years ago, this behavior was around. It just got swept under a rug.
Now companies need to act when something of this nature goes down. The moron just doesn't realize that the times have changed. What will be really telling is that if incidents of this nature start taking a toll on future job offers as we enter an era where employers gander at every possible piece of information out there on a person before deciding to extend an offer.
No sympathy for them. Just a form of social darwinism.