I am really very disappointed in Hockey Canada choosing to issue an apology for this, and is seems the vast majority public opinion is in line with my view.
Fortunately, neither the kerfuffle nor the subsequent apology by Hockey Canada was published in the print edition of the Toronto Star, only in the online edition. Here's the article and associated reader input
A few representative sample comments:
"If the IOC does not like it, they can leave anytime they want...tough beans...we are Canadians and it's what we do"
"people on high horses need not attend...this was wrong? This was Canadian! Congrats girls, have one on me."
"Lighten up. The IOC needs to go back to counting their bribes and leave the athletes alone"
"Do you realize 18 year women fight and die in wars? These are real women...who celebrate in true Canadian fashion. Your critics have lost touch with reality"
"This media reporting is disgusting"
"Oh please. This is no reason to be sorry. There is no issue here"
"I am deeply offended by the IOC and the apology by Hockey Canada. Who is going to apologize to me for that?"
"Scandalous? Really? Take away the apology by Hockey Canada and the story has no teeth...The press should take a good look at themselves and they might understand why the public has lost faith in their work"
"Why apologize? Hockey Canada needs to get their heads out of their butts and stand up for the women instead of capitulating to the IOC. What a joke!"
"Someone underage drank a beer? Here in Canada? ...C'mon people lighten up. I hope they have a little chuckle in private about this brouhaha, which is nonsense"
"I'm not bothered by the apology than I am by the way they celebrated"
"This isn't a story. It's a poor loser story. Whoever reported this should be ashamed"
"We need new people at the head of the IOC who know what is happening in the 2000 (sic) century. Keep the beer flowing"
"Big deal. Let's not let the fourth estate turn this non-event into a cause celebre. None of these women has anything to be sorry about and neither does Hockey Canada"