Re: The 2010 Winter Olympics Women's Ice Hockey Tournament
Oh the shame of it all! Caught celebrating a win over the Americans!
Give me a break. What the h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with celebrating a gold medal in front of teammates friends and family...including children?
Professing to be shocked and horrified is worthy only of pedantic bureaucrats and sticks in the mud with a board up their butt.....not to mention petty.
When Alex Bilodeau won the first gold for Canada ever on home soil, the broadcast crew brought his family in to the studio for a champagne toast. His whole family drank champagne on camera, including his underage sister.
When Jon Montgomery won gold for Canada in Skeleton on the weekend he was recorded on television an hour or so after the race walking through the streets of Whistler Village chugging a pitcher of beer that someone handed him as he was on his way to a media interview. It was televised to a national audience.
These things are technically illegal. You cannot drink underage. You cannot drink on camera. And you cannot drink outside of a licensed bar.
The reaction of both the media and public both at the time of these occurrences as well as subsequently was not consternation, it was amusement. It's refreshing to have a window into the sheer joy and personal genuine celebration (not the formal made-for-tv kind) of someone actually being and acting real on the best day of their life. (I suspect if some misguided cop had tried to deliver a citation for the offense based on the video evidence he might have to fear for his safety).
As a matter of fact I also have good memories myself of a similar on ice and off ice celebration in a rink with refreshments after a game some years ago that went on for several hours after the facility was emptied--after Canada won a World Championship. It was done with the knowledge of the arena staff.
I dunno, maybe that's a Canadian thing. We can take circumstances into account instead of getting bent out of shape over minor infractions.
There was nothing done that was seriously illegal. No one was hurt. Nothing was broken. A good time was had by all, no doubt---except by the U.S. eh?
I hope the girls continue to celebrate as hard as they played, even MP (our new hero!!!) who is still underage...and as a matter of fact they joked about that in the TV studio too.
Enjoy Vancouver. Eat, drink and be merry to your heart's content, for tomorrow you may have to be back in Utah.
Canada shuts out Americans, claims gold in women's hockey
Next Volly in the US-Canada rivalry?
Being in the building for this I can tell you that yes the crowds were gone when this occurred however there were still quite a few people, family members of players and children present for the actions described above.
Oh the shame of it all! Caught celebrating a win over the Americans!
Give me a break. What the h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with celebrating a gold medal in front of teammates friends and family...including children?
Professing to be shocked and horrified is worthy only of pedantic bureaucrats and sticks in the mud with a board up their butt.....not to mention petty.
When Alex Bilodeau won the first gold for Canada ever on home soil, the broadcast crew brought his family in to the studio for a champagne toast. His whole family drank champagne on camera, including his underage sister.
When Jon Montgomery won gold for Canada in Skeleton on the weekend he was recorded on television an hour or so after the race walking through the streets of Whistler Village chugging a pitcher of beer that someone handed him as he was on his way to a media interview. It was televised to a national audience.
These things are technically illegal. You cannot drink underage. You cannot drink on camera. And you cannot drink outside of a licensed bar.
The reaction of both the media and public both at the time of these occurrences as well as subsequently was not consternation, it was amusement. It's refreshing to have a window into the sheer joy and personal genuine celebration (not the formal made-for-tv kind) of someone actually being and acting real on the best day of their life. (I suspect if some misguided cop had tried to deliver a citation for the offense based on the video evidence he might have to fear for his safety).
As a matter of fact I also have good memories myself of a similar on ice and off ice celebration in a rink with refreshments after a game some years ago that went on for several hours after the facility was emptied--after Canada won a World Championship. It was done with the knowledge of the arena staff.
I dunno, maybe that's a Canadian thing. We can take circumstances into account instead of getting bent out of shape over minor infractions.
There was nothing done that was seriously illegal. No one was hurt. Nothing was broken. A good time was had by all, no doubt---except by the U.S. eh?
I hope the girls continue to celebrate as hard as they played, even MP (our new hero!!!) who is still underage...and as a matter of fact they joked about that in the TV studio too.
Enjoy Vancouver. Eat, drink and be merry to your heart's content, for tomorrow you may have to be back in Utah.

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