You are missing one important fact. If there was no Olympic level womens hockey you would not have the same amount of D1 and D3 college hockey today.
About 40-45% of the D1 spots are already taken by Canadian kids. I'd suggest some of those would start to go to International kids. The fallout Canadians do have good options available back home.
Actually haul some of those talents from there into local prep schools as a path to the NCAA. This is how Ryabkina and Polenska got to the NCAA. Many people over there are of lesser means compared to here, so the only way that would happen is via the FA route.
Another option is to bring a team over into the chowder cup, coached by let's say Ryabkina and Ruggiero or the UMD girl (sorry forgot her name ).
I don't know that the best approach is to pluck the top kids out of these countries at a young age. Minnesota HS hockey remains a viable option because the majority of the good players continue to play for their HS teams. If they all left to play prep, club, junior, or whatever, the talent pool and competition would get watered down. To grow a broader base for a sport, encourage participation and access to the game for a greater number, don't just advance an elite few
Wouldn't it be great if the best Canadians played for McGill or the U of Manitoba and the number of scholarships available to American girls doubled? Why aren't Canadian universities allowed to give athletic scholarships? Is it a PC thing? Has an American ever played hockey on a Canadian college hockey team or a Brazilian college volleyball team or a Swedish college tennis team? Why are American universities the caretakers of the world's olympic athletes? Why is Northern Iowa University responsible for feeding, housing and training Kenyan long-distance runners and Lithuanian basketball players? I guess I just don't understand the global economy of sport....
Not much point in bringing a team over to Chowder Cup when the best players will be playing in Chicago in April, and where ever come next January (or whenever they schedule the U18 Worlds for 2011) and they will be seen by pretty much every college.
I think you need to ID and develop the talent, prior to them being on the National team, to be able to grow the programs. Hence widen the net earlier and develop from there.
They mentioned China starting a U-18 team for International play .. so that could be of some benefit if they can land a good western hockey mind to go live in China and help develop their programs to be competitive with at least the European teams before they try and think about catching the US or Canada.
If they got some of their 18-20 yr olds here in the NCAA that could be a big benefit as well.
Russians have had a great tradition in several sports on the Female side. Track and Field, long Track Speed Skating (They used to dominate that sport on the female side in the 50's, 60's and 70's until the East Germans came along), Tennis are a few prime examples.
It is a mystery to me why the Womens game has not yet developed to the elite international level in that country. My sense is that hockey is considered a male bastion sport, that the women shy away from as a result. The NA culture has instilled womens rights much quicker on this continent than anywhere else. My sense is that role models are needed to help grow the female game over there, for it to happen sooner rather than later.
In a way it is sad that the girl banned from UMD could not continue. She would be the perfect kind of role model to help grow the game over there. Be succesfull over here and then be a role model over there, to show what it can do for you.
IMHO we need some of those east european talents (like Ryabkina) in the NCAA game, and then have them go back home to grow/push the womens game while they are paid by USA/CAN hockey to do the promoting. Only reason Ryabkina is here is cause she was seen in some Boston boys tournament and then picked up by a prep school. Polenska from Brown is another lesser known example who made it over here via that route.
No, the NCAA needs to be in-step with scholar-athletes that come from different countries that use a different accounting practice for its prep school programs than the United States.
Canada vs. Sweden coming up....oh boy!! Is anybody else annoyed with AJ Melesco(sp) and her commentary? I think she rambles and often ends her long sentences with stupid facts just to come to an listening to Phil Sims on CBS....she knowsher stuff but just won't shutup at times,,anyone? Bueller?
....Hey DC, hows that 4 years of growth measuring up?12-0 Canada after 2
If you think Mlesko (Sp?) is Annoying, you should probably consider yourself lucky (though I haven't heard her).I suspect you haven't heard Cassie Campbell on the Canadian broadcast. She makes me want to throw something at her! I'd actually rather spend an hour listening to ccookie.
Samples from the Canada/Sweden broadcast:
("complimenting" M.P. Poulin's goal in the 1st....)
"For an 18 year old, her skills and abilities are just silly"
(with Canada already out front 5-0 after 1 period and a 32-2 shot advantage, in commenting on the placements in their pool)
"This game isn't close to over. We'll have to wait and see whether Canada or Sweden ends up first in their pool"
I just couldn't listen or watch any more after that.