he was not just a mad-man incited by a thousand daily temptations by slightly less-mad-men to do things they would not rationally condone.
He fired today into our liberty and our rights to live and to agree or disagree in safety and in freedom from fear that our support or opposition will cost us our lives or our health or our sense of safety. The bullseye might just as well have been on mrs. Palin, or mr. Kelly, or you, or me. The wrong, the horror, would have been - could still be just as real and just as unacceptable.
At a time of such urgency and impact, we as americans - conservative or liberal - should pour our hearts and souls into politics. We should not - none of us, not gabby giffords and not any conservative - ever have to pour our blood. And every politician and commentator who hints otherwise, or worse still stays silent now, should have no place in our political system, and should be denied that place, not by violence, but by being shunned and ignored.
It is a simple pledge, it is to the point, and it is essential that every american politician and commentator and activist and partisan take it and take it now, i say it first, and freely:
Violence, or the threat of violence, has no place in our democracy, and i apologize for and repudiate any act or any thing in my past that may have even inadvertently encouraged violence. Because for whatever else each of us may be, we all are americans.