America is the richest country on earth, measured in per capita income, but the way we spend our money makes us one of the poorer.
American workers earn about as much annually as do their counterparts in France and Germany and Denmark but work almost three months longer.
We're the only advanced economy that does not guarantee at least some paid vacation. In fact, about a quarter of U.S. workers in the private sector receive no paid vacation at all.
We are one of only a handful of nations that does not guarantee paid sick leave. Almost half the private-sector workforce has no paid sick days.
The United States is virtually alone in not guaranteeing some form of paid maternity leave.
Here, day care is expensive. Preschool programs for parents without means are few and far between.
In Europe, almost all countries offer low-cost or free child care and preschool programs. In France, for example, almost 100 percent of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds are enrolled in free full-day schools staffed by teachers paid good wages.
If you lose your job here, unemployment benefits pay a much smaller fraction of your wages, for a much shorter duration, than in Europe.
We are the only industrialized nation that doesn't make access to health care a basic right.