St. Clown
Ideas Posted are Likely Not My Own
Can confirm.
Socks don’t count.
Can confirm.
Feel bad for the women of the 60s ans 70s
ghosted by a woman ... good looking ... what their favorite Marvel movie is
"Well, here's your problem, right here."
They could handle it. They were tougher from all the DIY abortions.
Similar to the "look at me and my awesomeness" facade of social media, a lot of people only use dating apps for amusement or validation that others find them attractive. They have no intention of actually meeting you or anyone else outside the app. For obvious reasons such apps tend to predominantly attract introverts and damaged people, which exacerbates the ghosting.
It’s hard because there are some people who have found their partner through an app. But there are also ones like my friend who was ghosted by a guy from an app after 8 months of dating.
personally I avoid them as I’m too old to be of use to anyone- women over 35 and gasp over 40 don’t exist. So even as a childless woman who makes well into six figures, I’m not desirable because I can’t pump kids out and I’m not ready to date 60 year olds
I guess I can see that. But it's quite ironic since roughly every other woman's profile has some variation on "I'm not here to play games" in it. I'd put money that it was present on some of the accounts that ghosted me for today's serving of irony.
Navigating this part of the social world has been quite an eye opening one when it comes to how we socialize and carry ourselves in public. So many walking contradictions out there. It's another case where stereotypes are proven to be justified on both sides of the dating coin.
I do sort of see the point on your last statement however. It sounds cruel to say this, but yea, apps definitely connect you to people that you likely would avoid in a live action situation due to their anti-social behaviors.
I don't think it's fair to hold the person your friend had to deal with against the apps. Obviously the person that just up and ghosted after spending 8 months with someone goes above and beyond. That's not normal or healthy in any form.
You're statements also seem to reinforce the idea that things are bleak for the 35-45 demo, ha ha ha. (For the record, I'm 39 and looking at exact that, lol)
Again, it comes down to the irony of women (as a whole, not you in particular) claiming that there are no more "Nice Guys" out there while staring at several right under their noses and choosing other options. Not that this is a new dating trope. It's been highlighted on sit-coms for their entire existence. It's just funny seeing it in action in real time.
looks fade so I wish both sexes could focus on other factors
I mean we could go back and forth all day on this. Women don’t want nice guys! Well men don’t seem to want anyone over the age of 25 or who isn’t model like. Both sides have stereotypes than can be true
I don’t hold my friends experience as the reason why I avoid them. I avoid them because the last time I tried them - as a 35 year old woman- men around my age rejected me and many flat out said it was due to my age and they wanted someone ten years younger.
wasn’t exactly a nice experience, and for every complaint you have about women, l be able to share one for your side too. I don’t think one sex has it worse