Lucia Apologist
that's funny
You would find that funny
that's funny
You would find that funny
My partner and I will mark one year together in late January, early February.
I wrote this on a reddit site in response to a young person's question of whether love is worth it. It is an Old's wisdom. But even with that I find I believe it.
The initial stage of romantic love is not something you get a choice about. It will overtake you and drown you like a feather in a storm. Enjoy that.
Respecting and fostering a loving relationship, when that stage of bliss inevitably passes after a few weeks or months, is like any demanding but fulfilling lifestyle: it works if you commit to it sincerely, give yourself wholly to it, and have a gentle sense of the absurdity of it. If you try to stand outside it and relate to it critically or ironically it will not work.
If you adapt to and cultivate it, it is one of the few deep satisfactions for a self-aware human being, like art, music, parenthood, a profession, kindness, serving others. If you are wedded to self, it will not stand for you. Our culture celebrates both love and individualism, but they are not compatible. A man cannot serve two masters: each action is a choice between love and self.
Love is a balloon you can step into and float above the pointless, cruel idiocy of having been born into a purposeless universe with a brain wired to inexhaustible thirst for purpose. If you are made of sharp knives you will slice through and fall. You have to make yourself softer and flexible; then it can hold you. Love has tremendous updraft ability but it is delicate and you cannot thrust a jagged ego forward.
My partner and I are talking about a formal commitment ceremony in the Spring.
Man in their 60s and 70s are PACKING